Monday, January 20, 2020

Stencyl: Crash Course 1 modified

What did you do? What did you learn?
made a huge scene

Stencyl: Crash! (not Crash Course)

i was doing the stencyl tutorial but not long after i run in to some problems i try used a different PC but it didn't work ( 

after add my tileset
find out my background image crashed 
since the background image crashed so i don't have scene
doesn't have  much useful information about the crash
What will you do tomorrow?
do a modified version of crash course 1

Monday, January 13, 2020

Stencyl: Crash Course 2 (Day 2)

What did you do? What did you learn?

spend the entire class mass around with Event/coding in Stencyl
put in the win scree (but it doesn't work)
put in the victory counter
when the enemy ship lose all health it will explode  
make all enemy ship have 3 health points
connect the past 2 events
make your ship won't fell out the edge (i don't know why it still does even i did what the instruction says)
testing the game
What will you do tomorrow?
move on to Crash Course 3 or try to fix the problems with Crash Course 2

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Stencyl: Crash Course 2 (Day 1)

What did you do? What did you learn?
import the actors 
put in the controls
put in the event for the scene
put ships in the scene

What will you do tomorrow?

i will finish the Crash Course 2

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Stencyl: Crash Course 1

What did you do? What did you learn?
add the actors behaviors
put them in the right group
make sure there Physics on them works
Edit the Scene
Put on the vertical gravity in the scene (so they won't float)
fill the scene with actors and stuffs

What will you do tomorrow?

Start Crash Course 2

Game Journalism-desert skies part 5

The Hard Mode